how playgrounds came to be

Whether I realized it or not, the seeds of Playgrounds were actually planted on my heart years ago while studying Interior Design in college. Our semester long project was a co-working space and we were challenged to create a unique environment that would appeal to the next generation of workers. I can’t tell you why, but I decided to add a small child care space to my design. I didn’t have kids yet and had not been exposed to the insane world of childcare, but something told me this piece could make a difference in the users’ lives. Looking back, I now see this was the start of a journey to bring a space that prioritized parents to life.

Rendering of “Next-Kids!,” a concept developed by Natalie during a semester long project at Iowa State University

Fast forward 10 years and I’m a married, full time working mom with 2 kids under 4. I am now fully aware of the extreme cost of childcare and the stress of having pre-school aged children. Our oldest was struggling in an inconsistent daycare setting and I couldn’t sleep until I found an answer, but all I found were amazing programs that didn’t fit our family’s schedule. Though I was advancing in my career as a commercial Interior Designer, I questioned if I should leave it all to stay home to focus on my family. All I wanted was my children to thrive in an engaging environment, while I continued to build a career I was passionate and proud of. Naturally as an interior designer, I started dreaming of a physical space that could support both- a place intentionally built for both parents and littles.

Playgrounds Cafe business plan with the original $15 Etsy logo

So in February of 2023, my mission began. Late nights spent rocking my one year old back to sleep turned into research sessions. Lunch hours turned into meetings with real estate brokers and financial advisors. Our weekends turned into quick trips to check out similar business models in other parts of the Midwest. I was a sponge trying to take in every bit of information I could, all while working full time and being the best mom and wife I could be. The to-do list was never ending, but I had a drive like I had never felt before to keep pushing to bring this dream to life!

Photos taken during a “research trip” to Kansas City, MO at MYplay Cafe (HIGHLY recommend!!)

After a couple months of searching and one rejected offer, we finally found the perfect space for Playgrounds Cafe- the Stone Prairie neighborhood. This spot was not at all on our radar… we actually had no idea where it was when we saw the listing! We hopped in the car and right when we pulled up we knew this was it. A brand new building surrounded by growing neighborhoods, away from busy streets, and a part of a community of small family medical practices- it was perfect! We spent the all summer meeting with banks, applying for loans, negotiating our lease, and FINALLY making everything official on August 11th, 2023. There was no turning back- Playgrounds Cafe was coming to Waukee!!

Our contractor in training checking out our space!

A week after we signed our lease, I decided on a whim to share this adventure on my own social media. It was so fun to see our family and friends share in our excitement that we decided to share it on 2 local Waukee Moms pages… and we couldn’t have asked for a better response! Our social media following quickly skyrocketed from zero to thousands, people were reaching out to partner with us, and we even had the opportunity to be on the news a couple times! This little baby that we had been creating over the past 6 months was finally out in the world and it was the scariest, most exciting, and exhilarating experience (and still is!!).

Natalie being interviewed on KCCI channel 8

Fast forward to today… we are not so patiently waiting to REALLY get our construction going. Getting contractors lined up, plans approved, and permits pulled has tested our patience more than our children normally do, but we are confident that the end result will be worth it! Our ultimate goal is to open our doors before the weather turns too cold… I will personally be laying the floor and painting the walls at midnight if that’s what it takes! Great things take time and we are so thankful to have a community cheering us on every step of the way!

Lease signing day celebration! The kids have no idea what’s going on, but they are excited!!

I say this all the time, but I feel like I can’t say it enough- Thank you so much for being here. I can’t tell you how much every follow, like, comment, share, and message mean to us!! We can’t wait to meet every one of you in person VERY soon!!
